Thursday, 19 March 2009
Didn't like The Watchmen
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Stole the idea from Sophi_e :) xoxox
1. Location
2. School/Workplace
Pearl Linguistics
3. Attire
Tee shirt, grey combats, nearly worn-through All Stars
4. Feeling
5. Music
Mercy Mercedes
6. Irritation
Email server down
7. Feel-good factor
8. Crush
mmm... Michael from Roswell :D
9. Thought
10. Guilty pleasure
populating my computer desktop with pictures of pretty boys
1. Drunken night
not that long ago, maybe... 3 weeks?
2. Car journey
Sunday, to the in-laws' house
3. Calendar entry
I don't keep a calendar
4. Movie
Fantastic 4
5. Text message
From Tracy
6. Doctor/dentist visit
3 weeks ago I think
7. Piece of clothing bought
Don't remember...
8. Disappointment
too many to count
1. Concert
Cobra Starship in May
2. Shopping
Likely to be a book or two
3. Source of money
Tony gets paid next week!
4. Friend to meet
Neil & Juliet tonight
5. Phonecall to make
Iina, need to tell her about her surprise birthday present!
6. Reason to celebrate
Iina's birthday 6.4
7. Food/drink
Dinner when I get home
1. Cigarettes
Camel filter
2. Drink
Malibu rum & coke
3. Cartoon
Old Disney ones
4. Homemade meal
Anything I cook really :)
5. Song
Sophomore Slump Or Comeback Of The Year - FOB
6. Bar/Restaurant
Santa Maria der Buen Ayre
7. Car
I'd like a tangerine-coloured VW Beetle
8. TV Show
1. Tattoos
2. Piercings
two in each ear
3. Pets
It was just so good - Max & Liz finally getting married, Michael admitting he can never love another girl but Maria, that he has never wanted anyone else, despite all the stupid stuff he's said and done. And Maria finally making up her mind to stay with Michael. I just love the whole Michael/Maria storyline, they are my absolute favourite characters (well him more than her, but they come as a package, lol). Although, I have to admit I was thawing towards Max the end :)
And the surprise factor that it's Kyle, not Jesse who goes with them to exile.
Brilliant stuff.
So, now I got that out of the way, I can watch other stuff again, like Smallville :)
will keep you posted
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
You guessed it - Roswell!
I like it, Ms Delfino wrote the song herself for the series, I believe it has been released on record as well.
You're like an angel with the sweetest smile
But when you use it you're one evil child
Oh oh, that's what brings me back again
We get along but only half the time
The other half you ain't no friend of mine
No oh, that's what brings me back again
I love you on your best behavior
I love you more when you are doing something wrong
But that's what wrong with me
You said you liked it yesterday
And now you're telling me I can't stay
It's all your crazy messed up ways
That bring me back
That bring me back
That bring me back
You bring me back
Photocopiers are evil
First, the idiot machine thinks that my originals are A3 sized, and keeps asking me to insert the correct paper in the appropriate tray to start with. So, I select A4 size instead and hit 'start'. *sigh* not working. I get 3 empty pages instead! What the hell is that supposed to mean? And why does the thing have a feeder tray if you cannot feed papers through it? Only by placing each page individually on the glass and selecting the appropriate size manually for each such page do I get the photocopies I need.
Not fun. I will go on strike. I will refuse to work until I get a photocopier that is willing to at least compromise!!!
Monday, 16 March 2009
Roswell - again!
I'm on season 3 now. It's a bit weird, I can see that they are consciously trying to veer the story away from school, but it lacks the same drama as the first two series. There's less Michael & Maria stuff, Max & Liz are just a bit strange, Isabel is almost a different person altogether!
But, the ones I finished this morning seem to get back in the swing of things. Isabel gets married, rejects Kivar's affections and sends him back home alone, she decides not to tell Jesse she's an alien and *shock* Maria breaks up with Michael!!!!!!!
It was cute watching Michael get completely off whack with jealousy over Maria's old flame, Billy. It's heartbreaking when he sees them together at her house and she's singing! The last time she did any music was at Alex's funeral, so this was a big deal.
Then Billy goes away, and he's all happy again, except that she wants to talk. And then she drops the bombshell: 'I wanna break up'. Oh, I nearly cried... She says (and this is where is gets sooo achingly beautiful) 'I want out because I love you so much. I love you more than you will ever know'. And he asks: 'Will you come back to me?', to which Maria says 'I don't know.'
The people who write this stuff are freaking geniuses, talk about leaving the audience hanging!
I am such a hopeless romantic, this stuff just melts my heart... OK, I know it's only fictional and everything, but still...
Kings Of Leon

I first came across them back in 2003, but I didn't like the early stuff very much. Then they made another record, still not something that I would listen regularly. But then, as they released Because Of The Times, I started to take a bit more notice. This was getting better I thought, I might like these guys one day. And then - kaboom! Sex On Fire. OMG. It was like being hit by lightning, out of the blue. It's still easily my favourite song from KOL, maybe even the best individual song I have heard in a very long time. Oh and the video...*flush*
So here I thought, brilliant single, hot video - they're good but at the expense of any credibility as musicians, they're just gonna be marketed as another pretty-boy rockband. Boy, I have rarely been so glad to be proven wrong! Not only did SOF reach no 1 in the charts, the album did as well. And the follow-up single too. And so on.
Got the chance to see them live last December, it was the best live show I have seen. Usually, your average pop/rock concert's headliner plays for about an hour, maybe 15 songs or so. Not these guys. Full 90 minutes, 20 songs + 6 encores. Also, you could see that they actually enjoyed performing.
There was a balanced feel to the show, everyone has their own role and their chance to shine. Look at Jared for example, the guy is what - 23?, brilliant bass player and really does hold his own. Caleb of course being the frontman is by default the most extrovert of the bunch, but he does not steal the limelight from the others, quite the opposite - he purposefully recedes to give room to others. Nathan is an extraordinarily talented drummer, but he is also the eldest brother and a very commanding figure. I would go so far as to say that Nathan and Caleb seem to enjoy spurring each other on, and that makes them better performers. My favourite though is Matthew. Not only a cracking guitarist, he seems to be the balancing force in the band. Maybe it has to do with being a cousin rather than a brother to the others, I don't know.
I have the chance to see them again in June, simply cannot wait.