I first came across them back in 2003, but I didn't like the early stuff very much. Then they made another record, still not something that I would listen regularly. But then, as they released Because Of The Times, I started to take a bit more notice. This was getting better I thought, I might like these guys one day. And then - kaboom! Sex On Fire. OMG. It was like being hit by lightning, out of the blue. It's still easily my favourite song from KOL, maybe even the best individual song I have heard in a very long time. Oh and the video...*flush*
So here I thought, brilliant single, hot video - they're good but at the expense of any credibility as musicians, they're just gonna be marketed as another pretty-boy rockband. Boy, I have rarely been so glad to be proven wrong! Not only did SOF reach no 1 in the charts, the album did as well. And the follow-up single too. And so on.
Got the chance to see them live last December, it was the best live show I have seen. Usually, your average pop/rock concert's headliner plays for about an hour, maybe 15 songs or so. Not these guys. Full 90 minutes, 20 songs + 6 encores. Also, you could see that they actually enjoyed performing.
There was a balanced feel to the show, everyone has their own role and their chance to shine. Look at Jared for example, the guy is what - 23?, brilliant bass player and really does hold his own. Caleb of course being the frontman is by default the most extrovert of the bunch, but he does not steal the limelight from the others, quite the opposite - he purposefully recedes to give room to others. Nathan is an extraordinarily talented drummer, but he is also the eldest brother and a very commanding figure. I would go so far as to say that Nathan and Caleb seem to enjoy spurring each other on, and that makes them better performers. My favourite though is Matthew. Not only a cracking guitarist, he seems to be the balancing force in the band. Maybe it has to do with being a cousin rather than a brother to the others, I don't know.
I have the chance to see them again in June, simply cannot wait.
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