So...what exciting things have I gotten into? Not an awful lot.
Finished my Supernatural(*sniff*)but discovered that there are still some episodes left of s4 on TV, so am still getting my fix. But I try not to pay too much attention, cause I want to wait til I have the whole new series at home, but on the other hand, I cannot help myself.

I have made some new friends over at, mainly cause of this new band I told you about, Awestruck. They are a bit strange, not in any kind of a bad way, but it takes more than one listen to get one's head around them. They are beginning to grow on me, will report back later with stats!
I've seen a few films since the last time we spoke, firstly I saw Monsters vs Aliens. It was HILARIOUS! Visually stunning, of course, but I just loved all the gags and stuff, I haven't laughed that much in a while.
What else... oh, also saw Happy Feet, you know the penguin movie. It was soo cute, very heartwarming and just lovely, I would recommend it to anyone.
And then, we went to see Wolverine. I was really looking forward to it, cause I quite liked the X-men movies. I wasn't disappointed, it was spectacular. I can see why the critics' comments were somewhat negative, I mean it's not going to make cinematic history, the story was maybe a little forced and it dragged a bit between the action scenes - but what action scenes they were! I liked the Gambler guy, though it was never really clear to me whether he will become a permanent fixture in the x-men universe later or if he's just a one-off guy. And, c'mon, any movie that features Hugh Jackman half-clad the entire movie, gotta be good!
Going to see Star Trek in two weeks' time, can hardly wait for that - trying not to read any reviews on it so as not to spoil it.

Got my first glimpse of Final Fantasy XIII the other day - oooooohhh! It's released in Japan in December, so at the moment the UK launch date is in January 2010 - I so will be first in line to buy it! For me, it will justify the buying of the PS3, otherwise it's just a very expensive DVD player...

uiui! jätte kiva! :D
ReplyDeleteme mennää ens viikol kattoo enkelit ja demonit mut haluisin kyl kans nähä ton wolverinen...
kivaa ku kirjotit! ^^